• At last, when all the summer shine
      That warmed life's early hours is past,
    Your loving fingers seek for mine
      And hold them close at last at last!
    Not oft the robin comes to build
      Its nest upon the leafless bough
    By autumn robbed, by winter chilled,
      But you, dear heart, you love me now.

    Though there are shadows on my brow
      And furrows on...

  • Friend, whose smile has come to be
    Very precious unto me,
    Though I know I drank not first
    Of your love’s bright fountain-burst,
    Yet I grieve not for the past,
    So you only love me last!

    Other souls may find their joy
    In the blind love of a boy:
    Give me that which years have tried,
    Disciplined and purified,—
    Such as, braving sun and...