* * *

There was a Young Lady whose nose,

Was so long that it reached to her toes;

  So she hired an Old Lady,

  Whose conduct was...


 * * *


 There was a young person in green,

 Who seldom was fit to be seen;

 She wore a long shawl,

 Over bonnet and all,

 Which enveloped that person in green.




 * * *

There was a Young Person of Smyrna,

Whose Grandmother threatened to burn her;
But she seized on the cat,



To Chloes breast young Cupid slily stole

But he crept in at Myras pocket hole


   DEAR little, pretty, fav'rite ore,

That once increas'd Gloriana's store;

That lay within her bosom bless'd,

Gods might have envied thee thy nest.

I've read, imperial Jove of old

For love...
