I dreaded that first Robin, so,

But He is mastered, now,

I'm some accustomed to Him grown,

He hurts a little, though —

I thought If I could only live

Till that first Shout got by —

Not all Pianos in...


I prayed, at first, a little Girl,

Because they told me to —

But stopped, when qualified to guess

How prayer would feel — to me —

If I believed God looked around,

Each time my Childish eye

Fixed full...


Let my first Knowing be of thee

With morning's warming Light —

And my first Fearing, lest Unknowns

Engulf thee in the night —


The loveliness of Nature, always did

Delight me.

          In the days of childhood; when

My young light heart, in all the buoyancy

Of its own bright imagination’s spell,

Beat in accordant consonance to all


My first well Day — since many ill —

I asked to go abroad,

And take the Sunshine in my hands,

And see the things in Pod —

A 'blossom just when I went in

To take my Chance with pain —

Uncertain if...


   DIXIT; et avertens roseâ cervice refulsit,

Ambrosiaeque comae divinum vertice odorem

Spiravere: pedes vestis defluxit ad imos,

Et vera incessu patuit Dea. —

   SHE said; and turning, shew'd her wrinkled neck,


That first Day, when you praised Me, Sweet,

And said that I was strong —

And could be mighty, if I liked —

That Day — the Days among —

Glows Central — like a Jewel

Between Diverging Golds —

The Minor...


The first Day that I was a Life

I recollect it — How still —

That last Day that I was a Life

I recollect it — as well —

'Twas stiller — though the first

Was still —

"Twas empty — but the first


The first Day's Night had come —

And grateful that a thing

So terrible — had been endured —

I told my Soul to sing —

She said her Strings were snapt —

Her Bow — to Atoms blown —

And so to mend her —...


      "North and South too many an hour

            I've by the skipper held the wheel;

       Seen too many a hissing shower

            O'er my old sou'-wester reel."
