 Daniel Defoe*

Seht, da steht der Edle Pranger,
Der satirische Dissenter,...


Quel saint transport m’agite et quel est mon délire !
Un souffle a fait vibrer les cordes de ma lyre ;
O Muses, chastes sœurs, et toi, grand Apollon,
Daignez guider mes pas dans le sacré vallon !
Soutenez mon essor, faites couler ma veine,
Je veux...

If i shall ever win the home in heaven
For whose sweet rest I humbly hope and pray,
In the great company of the forgiven
I shall be sure to find old Daniel Gray.

I knew him well; in truth, few knew him better;
For my young eyes oft read for him the Word...

When, stricken by the freezing blast,
  A nation’s living pillars fall,
How rich the storied page, how vast,
  A word, a whisper, can recall!

No medal lifts its fretted face,
  Nor speaking marble cheats your eye;
Yet, while these pictured lines...