For the Tombstone Erected over the Marquis of Anglesea’s Leg, Lost at Waterloo

HERE rests, and let no saucy knave
  Presume to sneer and laugh,
To learn that moldering in the grave
  Is laid a British Calf.

For he who writes these lines is sure,...

  WHENE’ER with haggard eyes I view
    This dungeon that I ’m rotting in,
  I think of those companions true
    Who studied with me at the U-
                niversity of Gottingen,
                niversity of Gottingen.

  [Weeps and pulls out...

Friend of Humanity
NEEDY 1 knife-grinder! whither are you going?
Rough is the road; your wheel is out of order.
Bleak blows the blast;—your hat has got a hole in ’t;
          So have your breeches!

Weary knife-grinder! little think the proud ones,...