William Motherwell

  • A Steed! a steed of matchlesse speed,
      A sword of metal keene!
    All else to noble heartes is drosse,
      All else on earth is meane.
    The neighyinge of the war-horse prowde,
      The rowlinge of the drum,
    The clangor of the trumpet lowde,

  • They come! the merry summer months of beauty, song, and flowers;
    They come! the gladsome months that bring thick leafiness to bowers.
    Up, up, my heart! and walk abroad; fling cark and care aside;
    Seek silent hills, or rest thyself where peaceful waters glide;

  • I ’ve wandered east, I ’ve wandered west,
      Through mony a weary way;
    But never, never can forget
      The luve o’ life’s young day!
    The fire that ’s blawn on Beltane e’en
      May weel be black gin Yule;
    But blacker fa’ awaits the heart

  • My heid is like to rend, Willie,
      My heart is like to break;
    I ’m wearin’ aff my feet, Willie,
      I ’m dyin’ for your sake!
    O, say ye ’ll think on me, Willie,
      Your hand on my briest-bane,—
    O, say ye ’ll think of me, Willie,
      When I am...