Thomas Buchanan Read

  • Within the sober realm of leafless trees,
      The russet year inhaled the dreamy air;
    Like some tanned reaper, in his hour of ease,
      When all the fields are lying brown and bare.

    The gray barns looking from their hazy hills,
      O’er the dun waters widening...

  • [September 19, 1864]
    UP from the South at break of day,
    Bringing to Winchester fresh dismay,
    The affrighted air with a shudder bore,
    Like a herald in haste, to the chieftain’s door,
    The terrible grumble and rumble and roar,
    Telling the battle was on...

  • The Maid who binds her warrior’s sash
      With smile that well her pain dissembles,
    The while beneath her drooping lash
      One starry tear-drop hangs and trembles,
    Though Heaven alone records the tear,
      And Fame shall never know her story,
    Her heart...

  •     MY soul to-day
        Is far away,
    Sailing the Vesuvian Bay;
        My wingèd boat,
        A bird afloat,
    Swims round the purple peaks remote:—

        Round purple peaks
        It sails, and seeks
    Blue inlets and their crystal creeks,...

  •     my soul to-day
        Is far away,
    Sailing the Vesuvian Bay;
        My winged boat,
        A bird afloat,
    Swings round the purple peaks remote:—

        Round purple peaks
        It sails, and seeks
    Blue inlets and their crystal creeks,...

  • Blind as the song of birds,
      Feeling its way into the heart,
    Or as a thought ere it hath words,—
      As blind thou art:

    Or as a little stream
      A dainty hand might guide apart,
    Or Love—young Love’s delicious dream—
      As blind thou art:...

  • Within his sober realm of leafless trees
      The russet year inhaled the dreamy air;
    Like some tanned reaper in his hour of ease,
      When all the fields are lying brown and bare.

    The gray barns looking from their lazy hills
      O’er the dim waters widening in...