Sophie Jewett

  • Quiet as are the quiet skies
    He watches where the city lies
    Floating in vision clear or dim
    Through sun or rain beneath his eyes;
    Her songs, her laughter, and her cries
    Hour after hour drift up to him.

    Her days of glory or disgrace

  • The gray waves rock against the gray skyline,
      And break complaining on the long gray sand,
      Here where I sit, who cannot understand
    Their voice of pain, nor this dumb pain of mine;

    For I, who thought to fare till my days end,
      Armed sorrow-proof in...

  • Thy face I have seen as one seeth
      A face in a dream,
    Soft drifting before me as drifteth
      A leaf on the stream:
    A face such as evermore fleeth
      From following feet,
    A face such as hideth and shifteth
      Evasive and sweet.


  • The water sings along our keel,
      The wind falls to a whispering breath;
    I look into your eyes and feel
      No fear of life or death;
    So near is love, so far away
    The losing strife of yesterday.

    We watch the swallow skim and dip;

  • If spirits walk, love, when the night climbs slow
    The slant footpath where we were wont to go,
      Be sure that I shall take the selfsame way
      To the hill-crest, and shoreward, down the gray,
    Sheer, gravelled slope, where vetches straggling grow.

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