Rossiter Worthington Raymond

  • Our bugles sound gayly. To horse and away!
    And over the mountains breaks the day;
    Then ho! brothers, ho! for the ride or the fight,
    There are deeds to be done ere we slumber to-night!
      And whether we fight or whether we fall
      By sabre-stroke or rifle-...

  • He stood upon the earth, and turned
      To gaze on sky and land and sea,
    While in his ear the whisper burned,
      “Behold, these all belong to thee!”

    O wondrous call to conquests new!
      O thrill of blood! O joy of Soul!
    O peaks with ever-widening...

  • Beside the dead I knelt for prayer,
        And felt a presence as I prayed.
    Lo! it was Jesus standing there.
        He smiled: “Be not afraid!”

    “Lord, Thou hast conquered death we know;
        Restore again to life,” I said,
    “This one who died an hour ago...