Mildred Howells

  • As I was strolling down a woodland way,
      I met fair Spring, a garland on her arm;
    She stood a moment gazing in dismay,
      Then turned and fled away in swift alarm.

    And as I strove to follow her swift flight
      Along the way that I had seen her pass,...

  • Upon my mantel-piece they stand,
      While all its length between them lies;
    He throws a kiss with graceful hand,
      She glances back with bashful eyes.

    The china Shepherdess is fair,
      The Shepherd’s face denotes a heart
    Burning with ardor and...

  • Down from a sunken doorstep to the road,
      Through a warm garden full of old-time flowers,
    Stretches a pathway, where the wrinkled toad
      Sits lost in sunlight through long summer hours.

    Ah, little dream the passers in the street
      That there, a few...