Margaret Elizabeth Sangster

  • Each day, when the glow of sunset
      Fades in the western sky,
    And the wee ones, tired of playing,
      Go tripping lightly by,
    I steal away from my husband,
      Asleep in his easy-chair,
    And watch from the open door-way
      Their faces fresh and...

  • Never yet was a springtime,
      Late though lingered the snow,
    That the sap stirred not at the whisper
      Of the south wind, sweet and low;
    Never yet was a springtime
      When the buds forgot to blow.

    Ever the wings of the summer
      Are folded...

  • His fourscore years and five
      Are gone, like a tale that is told.
    The quick tears start, there ’s an ache at the heart,
      For we never thought him old.

    Straight as a mountain pine,
      With the mountain eagle’s eye,
    With the hand-clasp strong, and...