Langdon Elwyn Mitchell

  • This is the end of the book
      Written by God.
    I am the earth he took,
      I am the sod,
    The wood and iron which he struck
      With his sounding rod.

    I am the reed that he blew:
      Once quietly
    By the riverside I grew,

  • I am the Virgin; from this granite ledge
    A hundred weary winters have I watched
    The lonely road that wanders at my feet;
    And many days I ’ve sat here, in my lap
    A little heap of snow, and overheard
    The dry, dead voices of sere, rustling leaves;

  • Her aged hands are worn with works of love;
    Dear aged hands that oft on me are laid;
    Her heart’s below, but, oh, her love’s above,
    As flowers do sunward turn though in the shade.

    The set of sun is dear that lasts not long,
    And she is sweeter far than...

  • Fear
    there is a sound I would not hear,
      Although it music’s self might be;
    Lest in my breast a crystal sphere
      Might burst, might break for melody.

    There is a face I would not see
      Tho’ like the springtime it were fair;
    Lest love that...

  • Technique
              could but this be brought
    Into your ken,—that the technique is thought!
    Escape from “Style,” the notion men can use
    Words without thoughts,—so wrench and so abuse
    The innocent language to their ends that they
    Will seem to be...