Frederick Locker-Lampson

  • Time has a magic wand!
    What is this meets my hand,
    Moth-eaten, mouldy, and
        Covered with fluff,
    Faded and stiff and scant?
    Can it be? no, it can’t,—
    Yes,—I declare ’t is Aunt
        Prudence’s Muff!

    Years ago—twenty-three!...

  •    [Published in a volume by several authors for the benefit of the starving weavers of Lancashire during the American civil war.]

    THE WORLD! Was jester ever in
      A viler than the present?
    Yet if it ugly be—as sin,
      It almost is—as pleasant!
    It is a merry...

  • A WIDOW—she had only one!
    A puny and decrepit son;
      But, day and night,
    Though fretful oft, and weak and small,
    A loving child, he was her all—
      The Widow’s Mite.

    The Widow’s Mite—ay, so sustained,
    She battled onward, nor complained,...

  • Suggested by a Picture by Mr. Romney

    THIS relative of mine,
    Was she seventy-and-nine
      When she died?
    By the canvas may be seen
    How she looked at seventeen,
      As a bride.

    Beneath a summer tree,
    Her maiden reverie
      Has a...