Frances Louisa Bushnell

  • Restless, to-night, and ill at ease,
      And finding every place too strait,
    I leave the porch shut in with trees,
      And wander through the garden-gate.

    So dark at first, I have to feel
      My way before me with my hands;
    But soul-like fragrances...

  • Ah, june is here, but where is May?—
      That lovely, shadowy thing,
    Fair promiser of fairer day,
      That made my fancy stretch her wing,
        In hope-begetting spring.

    The spaces vague, the luminous veil,
      The drift of bloom and scent,

  • Jubilant the music through the fields a-ringing,—
    Carol, warble, whistle, pipe,—endless ways of singing,
      Oriole, bobolink, melody of thrushes,
      Rustling trees, hum of bees, sudden little hushes,
        Broken suddenly again—
        Carol, whistle, rustle,...