Elaine Goodale Eastman

  • When the wayside tangles blaze
      In the low September sun,
    When the flowers of Summer days
      Droop and wither, one by one,
    Reaching up through bush and brier,
    Sumptuous brow and heart of fire,
    Flaunting high its wind-rocked plume,

  • Soft on the sunset sky
      Bright daylight closes,
    Leaving, when light doth die,
    Pale hues that mingling lie,—
      Ashes of roses.

    When love’s warm sun is set,
      Love’s brightness closes;
    Eyes with hot tears are wet,
    In hearts there...

  • Dimpled and flushed and dewy pink he lies,
    Crumpled and tossed and lapt in snowy bands;
    Aimlessly reaching with his tiny hands,
    Lifting in wondering gaze his great blue eyes.
    Sweet pouting lips, parted by breathing sighs;
    Soft cheeks, warm-tinted as from...

  • Soft on the sunset sky
      Bright daylight closes,
    Leaving, when light doth die,
    Pale hues that mingling lie,—
      Ashes of roses.

    When love’s warm sun is set,
      Love’s brightness closes;
    Eyes with hot tears are wet,
    In hearts there...

  • Handsome? i hardly know. Her profile ’s fine—
    Delightful, intellectual, aquiline.

    Her keen eyes light it; keen, yet often kind;
    Her fair hair crowns it to an artist’s mind.

    Fine figure and fine manners, without doubt,
    Determine half her charm, and bear...