Edward Sanford Martin

  • A Public haunt they found her in:
        She lay asleep, a lovely child;
        The only thing left undefiled
    Where all things else bore taint of sin.

    Her charming contours fixed in clay
        The universal law suspend,
        And turn Time’s chariot back,...

  • Without him still this whirling earth
      Might spin its course around the sun,
    And death still dog the heels of birth,
      And life be lived, and duty done.

    Without him let the rapt earth dree
      What doom its twin rotations earn;
    Whither or whence,...

  • To put new shingles on old roofs;
      To give old women wadded skirts;
    To treat premonitory coughs
      With seasonable flannel shirts;
    To soothe the stings of poverty
      And keep the jackal from the door,—
    These are the works that occupy

  • A public haunt they found her in:
        She lay asleep, a lovely child;
        The only thing left undefiled
    Where all things else bore taint of sin.

    Her charming contours fixed in clay
        The universal law suspend,
        And turn Time’s chariot back,...