Charles Fenno Hoffman

  • [Mexico, September 19, 1846]
    WE were not many,—we who stood
      Before the iron sleet that day;
    Yet many a gallant spirit would
    Give half his years if but he could
      Have been with us at Monterey.

    Now here, now there, the shot it hailed

  • Sparkling and bright in liquid light,
    Does the wine our goblets gleam in,
    With hue as red as the rosy bed
    Which a bee would choose to dream in.
      Then fill to-night, with hearts as light,
        To loves as gay and fleeting
      As bubbles that swim on...

  • ’t is said that the gods on Olympus of old
      (And who the bright legend profanes with a doubt?)
    One night, ’mid their revels, by Bacchus were told
      That his last butt of nectar had somehow run out!

    But determined to send round the goblet once more,

  • We were not many—we who stood
      Before the iron sleet that day—
    Yet many a gallant spirit would
    Give half his years if he then could
      Have been with us at Monterey.

    Now here, now there, the shot, it hailed
      In deadly drifts of fiery spray,...

  • Sparkling and bright in liquid light,
    Does the wine our goblets gleam in,
    With hue as red as the rosy bed
    Which a bee would choose to dream in.
      Then fill to-night, with hearts as light,
        To loves as gay and fleeting
      As bubbles that swim on...