Arthur Joseph Munby

  • From “Susan: A Poem of Degrees”
    HER Master gave the signal, with a look:
    Then, timidly as if afraid, she took
    In her rough hands the Laureate’s dainty book,
    And straight began. But when she did begin,
    Her own mute sense of poesy within
    Broke forth...

  • Down, down, Ellen, my little one,
    Climbing so tenderly up to my knee;
    Why should you add to the thoughts that are taunting me,
    Dreams of your mother’s arms clinging to me?

    Cease, cease, Ellen, my little one,
    Warbling so fairily close to my ear;

  • I Sat with Doris, the shepherd-maiden;
      Her crook was laden with wreathèd flowers:
    I sat and wooed her, through sunlight wheeling
      And shadows stealing, for hours and hours.

    And she, my Doris, whose lap encloses
      Wild summer-roses of sweet perfume,...