Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
Tus manos Evaristo Carriego 1903 Spanish

 Me obsedan tus manos exangües y finas,
¡tus manos! puñales de heridas ajenas,
cuando en el teclado predicen, en notas,
las inapelables deseadas condenas...


Tus ojos Julio Flórez 1887 Spanish

Ojos indefinibles, ojos grandes,
como el cielo y el mar hondos y puros,
ojos como las selvas de los Andes:
misteriosos, fantásticos y oscuros.

Ojos en cuyas místicas ojera
se ve el rostro de incógnitos pesares,
cual se ve en la aridez de las riberas

Tus ojos negros José Tomás de Cuellar 1850 Spanish

MÁS negros que la noche de mis penas;
Más bellos que el amor y la poesía;
Más ardientes que el sol que fecundiza
        Tu hermosa Andalucía.
Fueran mortales, cual saeta aguda,
        Si Dios, con sabio celo,
No los hubiera puesto en tu semblante...

Tus ventanas Ramón López Velarde 1908 Spanish

Tus ventanas, con pájaros y flores
Tus ventanas que miran al Oriente,
Están esclarecidas con la gracia
De la aurora riente
Que con primicias de su luz decora
La virtud de tu frente.

Tus ventanas de antigua arquitectura
En que el canario, a trinos,...

Tutto che altrui aggrada me disgrada Italian


Tutto che altrui aggrada me disgrada,

ed emmi a noia e ’n dispiacere il mondo.

Or dunque che ti piace? I’ ti rispondo:

Quando l’un l’altro spessamente agghiada.

E piacemi veder colpi di...

Tutto lo mondo vive sanza guerra Italian


Tutto lo mondo vive sanza guerra

ed io pace non posso aver neiente.

O Deo, como faragio?

O Deo, como sostenemi la terra?

Tuttor la dolze speranza Italian


Tut[t]or la dolze speranza

di voi, donna, mi conforta;

membrando la tua sembianza,

tant’è la gioi che mi porta,

che nulla pena mi pare sofrire,...

Tüzes seb vagyok Ady Endre 1897 Szerelmes

Tüzes, sajgó seb vagyok, égek,
Kínoz a fény és kínoz a harmat,
Téged akarlak, eljöttem érted,
Több kínra vágyom: téged akarlak.

Lángod lobogjon izzón, fehéren,
Fájnak a csókok, fájnak a vágyak,
Te vagy a kínom, gyehennám nékem,
Nagyon kívánlak,...

Tűzvirág Tamás István 1975 Szerelmes

Kéjt lehel bőrünkre a testünkből el illanó pára,
illatozó kisszobánkban mámort rejt a titkot őrző párna.
Halk neszezések közt, szerelmünk kiáltva nyög,
mint napfényt a szél gyengéden ölelsz, minden összeköt.

Óvatos - csendre intett sóhajok, testedben öröm után,...

Twice had Summer her fair Verdure English

Twice had Summer her fair Verdure

Proffered to the Plain —

Twice a Winter's silver Fracture

On the Rivers been —

Two full Autumns for the Squirrel

Bounteous prepared —

Nature, Had'st thou not a Berry...

Twickenham Garden English

Blasted with sighs, and surrounded with tears,
Hither I come to seek the spring,

And at mine eyes, and at mine ears,
Receive such balms as else...

Twilight at Sea Amelia Coppuck Welby English

The twilight hours like birds flew by,
  As lightly and as free;
Ten thousand stars were in the sky,
  Ten thousand on the sea;
For every wave with dimpled face,
  That leaped upon the air,
Had caught a star in its embrace,
  And held it...

Twilight at Sea Amelia B. Welby 1839 English

The Twilight hours, like birds, flew by,
  As lightly and as free,
Ten thousand stars were in the sky,
  Ten thousand on the sea;
For every wave, with dimpled face,
  That leaped upon the air,
Had caught a star in its embrace,
  And held it...

Twilight at the Heights Joaquin Miller English

The brave young city by the Balboa seas
Lies compassed about by the hosts of night—
Lies humming, low, like a hive of bees;
And the day lies dead. And its spirit’s flight
Is far to the west; while the golden bars
That bound it are broken to a dust of stars...

Twinkle, Twinkle Anonymous English

Twinkle, twinkle, little star;
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.

When the glorious sun is set,
When the grass with dew is wet,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the...

Two Argosies Wallace Bruce English

“the ducats take! I ’ll sign the bond to-day:
  No storm can wreck Antonio’s white-winged fleet;
My stately ships secure ride every bay
  From Tripolis to Indies’ golden seat.
The ducats take, Bassanio, go thy way;
  Thy Portia win, and bid me to the feast...

Two butterflies went out at Noon — English

Two butterflies went out at Noon —

And waltzed upon a Farm —

Then stepped straight through the Firmament

And rested, on a Beam —

And then — together bore away

Upon a shining Sea —

Though never yet,...

Two in the Campagna Robert Browning 1832 Love

I wonder do you feel today
As I have felt since, hand in hand,
We sat down on the grass, to stray
In spirit better through the land,
This morn of Rome and May?

For me, I touched a thought, I know,
Has tantalized me many times,
(Like turns of thread the...

Two Lengths has every Day — English

Two Lengths has every Day —

Its absolute extent

And Area superior

By Hope or Horror lent —

Eternity will be

Velocity or Pause

At Fundamental Signals

From Fundamental Laws.


Two Lovers George Eliot English

Two lovers by a moss-grown spring:
They leaned soft cheeks together there,
Mingled the dark and sunny hair,
And heard the wooing thrushes sing.
      O budding time!
      O love’s blest prime!

Two wedded from the portal stept:
The bells...