Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
There is a Shame of Nobleness — English

There is a Shame of Nobleness —

Confronting Sudden Pelf —

A finer Shame of Ecstasy —

Convicted of Itself —

A best Disgrace — a Brave Man feels —

Acknowledged — of the Brave —

One More — "Ye Blessed...

There is a solitude of space English

There is a solitude of space

A solitude of sea

A solitude of death, but these

Society shall be

Compared with that profounder site

That polar privacy

A soul admitted to itself —

Finite infinity...

There is a word

There is a word

Which bears a sword

Can pierce an armed man -

It hurls it's barbed syllables

And is mute again -

But where it fell

The saved will tell

On patriotic day,


There is a Zone whose even Years

There is a Zone whose even Years

No Solstice interrupt —

Whose Sun constructs perpetual Noon

Whose perfect Seasons wait —

Whose Summer set in Summer, till

The Centuries of June

And Centuries of...

There is an arid Pleasure — English

There is an arid Pleasure —

As different from Joy —

As Frost is different from Dew —

Like element — are they —

Yet one — rejoices Flowers —

And one — the Flowers abhor —

The finest Honey — curdled —...

There is another Loneliness

There is another Loneliness

That many die without —

Not want of friend occasions it

Or circumstances of Lot

But nature, sometimes, sometimes thought

And whoso it befall

Is richer than could be...

There is another sky

there is another sky

ever serene and fair,

and there is another sunshine,

tho' it be darkness there -

never mind faded forests, Austin,

never mind silent fields -
here is a little forest...

There is no Frigate like a Book English

There is no Frigate like a Book

To take us Lands away

Nor any Coursers like a Page

Of prancing Poetry—

This Traverse may the poorest take

Without opress of Toll—

How frugal is the Chariot


There is no Silence in the Earth — so silent English

There is no Silence in the Earth — so silent

As that endured

Which uttered, would discourage Nature

And haunt the World.

There is strength in proving that it can be borne

There is strength in proving that it can be borne

Although it tear —

What are the sinews of such cordage for

Except to bear

The ship might be of satin had it not to fight —

To walk on seas requires cedar Feet

There was a young lady in blue

 * * *

 There was a young lady in blue,

 Who said, 'Is it you, Is it you?'

 When they said, 'Yes, it is,' --

 She replied only, 'Whizz!'

 That ungracious young lady in blue.



There was a young lady in white English

 * * *

 There was a young lady in white,

 Who looked out at the depths of the night;

 But the birds of the air,

 Filled her heart with despair,

 And oppressed that young lady in white.


There was a Young Lady of Clare

 * * *

There was a Young Lady of Clare,

Who was sadly pursued by a bear;

When she found she was tired,

She abruptly expired,

That unfortunate Lady of Clare.

 <Publ. 1846>

There was a Young Lady of Dorking English

 * * *

There was a Young Lady of Dorking,

Who bought a large bonnet for walking;

       But its color and size

       So bedazzled her eyes,

That she very soon went back to Dorking.


There was a Young Lady of Hull English

 * * *

 There was a Young Lady of Hull,

 Who was chased by a virulent bull;

     But she seized on a spade,

     And called out, 'Who's afraid?'

 Which distracted that virulent bull.


There was a Young Lady of Norway English

* * *

There was a Young Lady of Norway,

Who casually sat on a doorway;

       When the door squeezed her flat,

       She exclaimed...

There was a Young Lady of Parma

 * * *

There was a Young Lady of Parma,

Whose conduct grew calmer and calmer;

When they said, 'Are you dumb?'

She merely said, 'Hum!'

That provoking Young Lady of Parma.

 <Publ. 1846...

There was a Young Lady of Portugal English

 * * *

There was a Young Lady of Portugal,

Whose ideas were excessively nautical:

      She climbed up a tree,

      To examine the sea,

But declared she would never leave Portugal.


There was a Young Lady of Russia English

 * * *

 There was a Young Lady of Russia,

 Who screamed so that no one could hush her;

 Her screams were extreme,

 No one heard such a scream,

 As was screamed by that lady of Russia.


There was a Young Lady of Ryde English

 * * *

 There was a Young Lady of Ryde,

 Whose shoe-strings were seldom untied.

 She purchased some clogs,

 And some small spotted dogs,

 And frequently walked about Ryde.

 <Publ. 1846...