Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Service without Hope —

The Service without Hope —

Is tenderest, I think —

Because 'tis unsustained

By stint — Rewarded Work —

Has impetus of Gain —

And impetus of Goal —

There is no Diligence like that


The Settler Alfred Billings Street English

His echoing axe the settler swung
    Amid the sea-like solitude,
And rushing, thundering, down were flung
    The Titans of the wood;
Loud shrieked the eagle as he dashed
From out his mossy nest, which crashed
    With its supporting bough,...

The Settler Alfred Billings Street English

His echoing axe the settler swung
  Amid the sea-like solitude,
And, rushing, thundering, down were flung
  The Titans of the wood;
Loud shrieked the eagle, as he dashed
From out his mossy nest, which crashed
  With its supporting bough,

The Seven Seas/A Song of the English English
The Seven Seas/A Song of the English
The Seven Seas/A Song of the English English
The Seven Seas/The Story of Ung
The Shaded Water William Gilmore Simms English

When that my mood is sad, and in the noise
  And bustle of the crowd I feel rebuke,
I turn my footsteps from its hollow joys
  And sit me down beside this little brook;
The waters have a music to mine ear
    It glads me much to hear.

It is a...

The Shadow Dance Louise Chandler Moulton English

She sees her image in the glass,—
  How fair a thing to gaze upon!
  She lingers while the moments run,
With happy thoughts that come and pass,

Like winds across the meadow grass
  When the young June is just begun:
She sees her image in the...

The Shadow Rose Robert Cameron Rogers English

A noisette on my garden path
  An ever-swaying shadow throws;
But if I pluck it strolling by,
  I pluck the shadow with the rose.

Just near enough my heart you stood
  To shadow it,—but was it fair
In him, who plucked and bore you off,

The Shadow Rose Robert Cameron Rogers English

A Noisette on my garden path
  An ever-swaying shadow throws;
But if I pluck it strolling by,
  I pluck the shadow with the rose.

Just near enough my heart you stood
  To shadow it,—but was it fair
In him, who plucked and bore you off,

The Shadows Frank Dempster Sherman English

All up and down in shadow-town
  The shadow children go;
In every street you ’re sure to meet
  Them running to and fro.

They move around without a sound,
  They play at hide-and-seek,
But no one yet that I have met
  Has ever heard them...

The Shadows Frank Dempster Sherman English

All up and down in shadow-town
  The shadow children go;
In every street you ’re sure to meet
  Them running to and fro.

They move around without a sound,
  They play at hide-and-seek,
But no one yet that I have met
  Has ever heard them...

The Shamrock Maurice Francis Egan English

When april rains make flowers bloom
  And Johnny-jump-ups come to light,
And clouds of color and perfume
  Float from the orchards pink and white,
I see my shamrock in the rain,
  An emerald spray with raindrops set,
Like jewels on Spring’s coronet...

The Sharing of the Earth Friedrich von Schiller 1779 English

From the German by Lord Bulwer-Lytton
“TAKE the world,” cried the God from his heaven
  To men—“I proclaim you its heirs;
To divide it amongst you ’t is given:
  You have only to settle the shares.”

Each takes for himself as it pleases,
  Old and...

The Shell Walter Savage Landor 1795 English

From “Gebir,” Book I.
I AM not daunted, no; I will engage.
But first, said she, what wager will you lay?
A sheep, I answered, add whate’er you will.
I cannot, she replied, make that return:
Our hided vessels in their pitchy round
Seldom, unless from...

The Shepherd and the King Robert Greene 1580 English

Ah! what is love? It is a pretty thing,
As sweet unto a shepherd as a king,
        And sweeter too;
For kings have cares that wait upon a crown,
And cares can make the sweetest face to frown:
        Ah then, ah then,
If country loves such sweet...

The Shipwreck William Falconer 1752 English

  IN vain the cords and axes were prepared,
For now the audacious seas insult the yard;
High o’er the ship they throw a horrid shade,
And o’er her burst in terrible cascade.
Uplifted on the surge, to heaven she flies,
Her shattered top half buried in the...

The Shore Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts English

From “Ariadne”
HUNG like a rich pomegranate o’er the sea
  The ripened moon; along the trancèd sand
The feather-shadowed ferns drooped dreamfully;
The solitude’s evading harmony
  Mingled remotely over sea and land;
A light wind woke and whispered...

The Show is not the Show English

The Show is not the Show

But they that go —

Menagerie to me

My Neighbor be —

Fair Play —

Both went to see —