Title Poet Year Written Collection Body
The Present Crisis James Russell Lowell English

When a deed is done for Freedom, through the broad earth’s aching breast
Runs a thrill of joy prophetic, trembling on from east to west,
And the slave, where’er he cowers, feels the soul within him climb
To the awful verge of manhood, as the energy sublime
Of a...

The Present Good William Cowper 1751 English

From “The Task,” Book VI.
  NOT to understand a treasure’s worth
Till time has stol’n away the slighted good,
Is cause of half the poverty we feel,
And makes the world the wilderness it is.

The Pretty Girl of Loch Dan Samuel Ferguson English

The Shades of eve had crossed the glen
  That frowns o’er infant Avonmore,
When, nigh Loch Dan, two weary men,
  We stopped before a cottage door.

“God save all here,” my comrade cries,
  And rattles on the raised latch-pin;
“God save you kindly...

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves

The pretty Rain from those sweet Eaves

Her unintending Eyes —

Took her own Heart, including ours,

By innocent Surprise —

The wrestle in her simple Throat

To hold the feeling down

That vanquished her...

The Price. To The Same. English

   CAN there on earth, my Celia, be

A price I would not pay for thee?

Yes, one dear precious tear of thine

Should not be shed to make thee mine.

The Primeval Forest Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 1827 English

From “Evangeline,” Introduction
THIS is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks,
Bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight,
Stand like Druids of eld, with voices sad and prophetic,
Stand like harpers hoar, with beards...

The Primrose, Being at Montgomery Castle, Upon the Hill, on Which It Is Situate English

UPON this Primrose hill,
Where, if heaven would distil

A shower of rain, each several drop might go

To his own primrose, and grow manna so...

The Princess Björnstjerne Björnson 1852 English

From the Norwegian by Nathan Haskell Dole
THE PRINCESS sat lone in her maiden bower,
The lad blew his horn at the foot of the tower.
“Why playest thou alway? Be silent, I pray,
It fetters my thoughts that would flee far away,
          As the sun goes down...

The Prisoner of Chillon Lord Byron English

Eternal spirit of the chainless mind!
Brightest in dungeons, Liberty! thou art,
For there thy habitation is the heart,—
The heart which love of thee alone can bind;
And when thy sons to fetters are consigned,—
To fetters, and the damp vault’s dayless gloom...

The Private of the Buffs Sir Francis Hastings Doyle 1830 English

 Or, the British Soldier in China
  [“Some Seiks, and a private of the Buffs, 1 having remained behind with the grog carts, fell into the hands of the Chinese. On the next day they were brought before the authorities and ordered to perform Kotou. The Seiks obeyed, but Moyse,...

The Problem Ralph Waldo Emerson 1823 English

I like a church; I like a cowl;
I love a prophet of the soul;
And on my heart monastic aisles
Fall like sweet strains, or pensive smiles:
Yet not for all his faith can see
Would I that cowlëd churchman be.
Why should the vest on him allure,...

The Problem Ralph Waldo Emerson 1823 English

  I Like a church; I like a cowl;
I love a prophet of the soul;
And on my heart monastic aisles
Fall like sweet strains or pensive smiles;
Yet not for all his faith can see
Would I that cowlèd churchman be.
Why should the vest on him allure,...

The Products of my Farm are these

The Products of my Farm are these

Sufficient for my Own

And here and there a Benefit

Unto a Neighbor's Bin.

With Us, 'tis Harvest all the Year

For when the Frosts begin

We just reverse the Zodiac...

The Prohibition

TAKE heed of loving me;

At least remember, I forbade it thee;

Not that I shall repair my unthrifty waste

Of breath and blood, upon thy sighs and tears,

By being to thee then...

The Props assist the House

The Props assist the House

Until the House is built

And then the Props withdraw

And adequate, erect,

The House support itself

And cease to recollect

The Auger and the Carpenter —

Just such a...

The Prospect Elizabeth Barrett Browning 1826 English

Methinks we do as fretful children do,
  Leaning their faces on the window-pane
  To sigh the glass dim with their own breath’s stain,
And shut the sky and landscape from their view;
And, thus, alas! since God the maker drew
  A mystic separation ’twixt...

The Proud Miss MacBride John Godfrey Saxe English

A Legend of Gotham
O, TERRIBLY proud was Miss MacBride,
The very personification of pride,
As she minced along in fashion’s tide,
Adown Broadway—on the proper side—
    When the golden sun was setting;
There was pride in the head she carried so high...

The Province of the Saved English

The Province of the Saved

Should be the Art — To save —

Through Skill obtained in Themselves —

The Science of the Grave

No Man can understand

But He that hath endured

The Dissolution — in Himself —...

The Pumpkin John Greenleaf Whittier 1827 English

O, Greenly and fair in the lands of the sun,
The vines of the gourd and the rich melon run,
And the rock and the tree and the cottage enfold,
With broad leaves all greenness and blossoms all gold,
Like that which o’er Nineveh’s prophet once grew,
While he...

The pungent atom in the Air English

The pungent atom in the Air

Admits of no debate —

All that is named of Summer Days

Relinquished our Estate —

For what Department of Delight

As positive are we

As Limit of Dominion

Or Dams...