George Walter Thornbury

  • He tripped up the steps with a bow and a smile,
    Offering snuff to the chaplain the while,
    A rose at his button-hole that afternoon—
    ’T was the tenth of the month, and the month it was June.

    Then shrugging his shoulders, he looked at the man
    With the mask...

  • This I got on the day that Goring
    Fought through York, like a wild beast roaring—
    The roofs were black, and the streets were full,
    The doors built up with packs of wool;
    But our pikes made way through a storm of shot,
    Barrel to barrel till locks grew hot;...

  • The Jester shook his hood and bells, and leaped upon a chair;
    The pages laughed, the women screamed, and tossed their scented hair;
    The falcon whistled, staghounds bayed, the lapdog barked without,
    The scullion dropped the pitcher brown, the cook railed at the lout;...