Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne

  • I ’m wearing awa’, Jean,
    Like snaw when it ’s thaw, Jean;
    I ’m wearing awa’,
      To the land o’ the leal.
    There ’s nae sorrow there, Jean,
    There ’s neither cauld nor care, Jean,
    The day is aye fair
      In the land o’ the leal.

    Ye were...

  • The Laird o’ Cockpen he ’s proud and he ’s great,
    His mind is ta’en up with the things o’ the state;
    He wanted a wife his braw house to keep,
    But favor wi’ wooin’ was fashious to seek.

    Doun by the dyke-side a lady did dwell,
    At his table-head he thought...

  • Oh, the auld house, the auld house,—
      What though the rooms were wee?
    Oh! kind hearts were dwelling there,
      And bairnies fu’ o’ glee;
    The wild rose and the jessamine
      Still hang upon the wa’:
    How mony cherished memories
      Do they, sweet...