George Sidney Hellman

  • Where in its old historic splendor stands
    The home of England’s far-famed Parliament,
    And waters of the Thames in calm content
    At England’s fame flow slowly o’er their sands;
    And where the Rhine past vine-entwinèd lands
    Courses in castled beauty, there I...

  • A Dresden shepherdess was one day
    Milking a small Delft cow,
    When a Sevres Marquis came along—
    I saw him smile and bow:
    “O lovely shepherdess, hear my song,”
    I think I heard him say,
    “For thou hast captured my porcelain heart,
    And by my...

  • Where in its old historic splendor stands
    The home of England’s far-farmed Parliament,
    And waters of the Thames in calm content
    At England’s fame flow slowly o’er their sands;
    And where the Rhine past vine-entwined lands
    Courses in castled beauty, there I...

  • Thine is the mystic melody,
    The far-off murmur of some dreamland sea
    Lifting throughout the night,
    Up to the moon’s mild light,
    Waves silver-lustrous, silvery-white,
    That beat in rhythm on the shadowy shore,
    And burst in music, and are seen no more...