Robert Pollok

  • From “The Course of Time,” Book IV.
      HE touched his harp, and nations heard entranced,
    As some vast river of unfailing source,
    Rapid, exhaustless, deep, his numbers flowed,
    And openèd new fountains in the human heart.
    Where Fancy halted, weary in her...

  • From “The Course of Time,” Book I.
    GREAT Ocean! strongest of creation’s sons,
    Unconquerable, unreposed, untired,
    That rolled the wild, profound, eternal bass
    In nature’s anthem, and made music such
    As pleased the ear of God! original,

  •  No tiene la Dicha en la tierra
    Trillado camino ni fija ciudad,
     Ni en sola una forma se encierra;
    Se encarna do imperen Justicia y Bondad.
