Grief hath been known to turn the young head gray,—
To silver over in a single day
The bright locks of the beautiful, their prime
Scarcely o’erpast; as in the fearful time
Of Gallia’s madness, that discrownèd head
Serene, that on the accursèd altar bled...

J'ai peur d'un baiser
Comme d'une abeille.
Je souffre et je veille
Sans me reposer :
J'ai peur d'un baiser !

Pourtant j'aime Kate
Et ses yeux jolis.
Elle est délicate,
Aux longs traits pâlis.
Oh ! que j'aime Kate !

C'est Saint-...

Not all die early, dying young —

Maturity of Fate

Is consummated equally

In Ages, or a Night —

A Hoary Boy, I've known to drop

Whole statured — by the side

Of Junior of Fourscore — 'twas Act


 * * *

The was a Young Lady of Bute,

Who played on a silver-gilt flute;

  She played several jigs,

  To her uncle's white pigs,

That amusing Young Lady of Bute.

Pub. 1846



 * * *

 There was a young lady in blue,

 Who said, 'Is it you, Is it you?'

 When they said, 'Yes, it is,' --

 She replied only, 'Whizz!'

 That ungracious young lady in blue.




 * * *

 There was a young lady in white,

 Who looked out at the depths of the night;

 But the birds of the air,

 Filled her heart with despair,

 And oppressed that young lady in white.



 * * *

There was a Young Lady of Clare,

Who was sadly pursued by a bear;

When she found she was tired,

She abruptly expired,

That unfortunate Lady of Clare.

 <Publ. 1846>


 * * *

There was a Young Lady of Dorking,

Who bought a large bonnet for walking;

       But its color and size

       So bedazzled her eyes,

That she very soon went back to Dorking.



 * * *

 There was a Young Lady of Hull,

 Who was chased by a virulent bull;

     But she seized on a spade,

     And called out, 'Who's afraid?'

 Which distracted that virulent bull.



* * *

There was a Young Lady of Norway,

Who casually sat on a doorway;

       When the door squeezed her flat,

       She exclaimed...
